Recommended Resources
Books and Workbooks
Body Respect by L. Bacon
The Body Keeps the Score by B. van der Kolk
Intuitive Eating; 4th Edition by E. Tribole and E. Resch
Health at Every Size by L. Bacon
Anti-Diet by C. Harrison
The Fuck It Diet by C. Dooner
When Your Teen Has an Eating Disorder by L. Muhlheim
Sick Enough by J. Gaudiani
The Inside Scoop of Eating Disorder Recovery by Reichmann and Rollin
Ritteroo Journal for Eating Disorders Recovery by L. Hall
Your Body is Not an Apology by S. Renee Taylor
Intuitive Eating Workbook by by E. Tribole and E. Resch
The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens by E. Resch
Social Media
Treatment Truths *KC Counseling’s Podcast!
Dietitians Unplugged
Food Psych
Finance, Fitness, & Finesse
The Fuck It Podcast
Body Image with Bri
Food Heaven Podcast
ED Matters
The Recovery Warrior Show
It’s Not About the Food
Trust Your Body Project
The Diet Starts Tomorrow
The Eating Disorder Therapist

Size-Inclusive Clothing
City Chic
Chic Soul
Good American