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Eating Disorder Awareness Week, Facts to Know

Eating disorders are not biased and can impact people of any age, gender, race, and socioeconomic status. There are previous misconceptions about eating disorders only impacting caucasian females in their teens/20’s which is demonstrably false.  

  1. Someone dies from an eating disorder every 52 minutes.1

  2. Eating disorders impact every aspect of a person's life and can be all consuming 

  3. You can’t just “get over an eating disorder” because they are serious mental health condition

  4. Almost 50% of people with eating disorders also meet the criteria for a depression diagnosis. 

  5. The “ideal” body type portrayed in advertising and media fits less than 5% of the human population. 

As a serious mental health condition, with fatal outcomes, there is not nearly enough information or funding on how to treat eating disorders. Be an advocate for yourself and your loved ones. If you question whether an eating disorder may be impacting you please reach out for help. 

Suicide Prevention Hotline: 988

KC Counseling: 217-377-0299
